Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm

This week has to be great, not for me, but for Sam I really want to make her last week here a memorable one. I know she loves it here and doesn't want to leave, but a part of me tells me she just can't stand to be in the same place to long. I just hope she has just as much fun in NC. I really can say she is one of my best friends and I just want her to be happy.

On a less sincere note. I am really tired of everyone talking about everybody behind their backs. Just hearing what some people say makes me wonder what people say about me. Whatever can't stop people from judging, drawing conclusions on assumptions and such. Thinking about it...Would we really still be friends if we said what we were thinking to each other? The good friends would stay friends, but it would really weed out those who didn't fit in.& I myself would love to hear what people say, but that would never happen. I guess it is for the "greater good" as Hot fuzz so elloquently put it.

Fuck econ, eager salespeople, drunks, sluts, smokers, dumbasses,

hicks, walmart, parents, slow drivers, that person with the z3 hatchback,

high school, fat people, indecision, 11:11, hairy ladies, organized religion

and life.

I'm tired.

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Tuesday, June 5, 2007


I feel like I'm going crazy. It hasn't even been summer more than two days and I can already tell that this summer will be the worst. Without my car and friends to do anything, I'm stuck at home with only chores to do because I am such a lazy jerk.

Summer school is a...no economics is a waste of my life. Summer school is an instrument of icy cold severance from what summer should be. I mean icy cold in the literal sense. If that school got any colder I might start pissing ice cubes. If that wasn't enough I got stuck with the one teacher who thinks getting out ten minutes early is a godsend. We have to skip our ten minute break to get out when every other teacher decides "why not let them go?". It is just ridiculous.

I think I might actually eat something for dinner tonight. I don't recall what there has been, but Yesterday was hamburger patties...no buns, just a chunk of cooked cow. I wish my life could go somewhere that there aren't...people.

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.Screaming babies.Slamming doors.
.Somebody Get Me Out of Here.

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