Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Can I find some more misery?

Not a great December so far. I would love to be able to say that my life is going smoothly, but it is quite different. As of today, my life has been reduced to even more a slump. I am not supposed to use the computer because I have been having problems with my Japanese teacher. It is kind of hilarious actually: He thinks I'm effeminate. This strikes me as odd coming from the man who has such a bad lisp he could make crackers sound gay, and apparently being friends with Josh makes me gay. Even though, I am really quite sure that Josh is straight, but in his homophobic eyes any relation to the "Gays" makes you a homosexual. I guess all I can do is shrug it off. This drama, if thats what you want to call, is starting to get under my skin. I really just want people to back off for a week or so. I can't do anything anymore without my intentions being questioned. I really wish I could tell a few people off, not only because I'm mad at them, but because they need to be knocked down a couple notches. Its like the chips on peoples' shoulders only get bigger if unattended.

I want to bring up something that isn't related to anything that has been happening to me lately, well not to a meaningful degree. It just so happens to be indecision. Now I know we all can be indecisive, but some people just need to leave the familiar and leap for something new.

I don't know it just seems like these years are the where we have to start making choices I don't know I'll get more on this later.

The Velvety Monkey

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