Listening to Weezer lately. Don't know why, but all i do know is that life is coming soon. Really are any of us ready for that first big step? Some might know what they are going to do, where they're going, but i don't. Just a thought.
Today started off really bad. Well I should probably give a little back story. My Japanese teacher doesn't get along with me, as well as a few others, but I am used to rubbing some people the wrong way. Anyway he froze my grades for writing "WTF?!" on one of our assignments. The only reason I wrote this was because of the small children praying under pictures of kids playing and cars. This was supposed to be a joke; he apparently took it the wrong way. Back to today. I wake up late, 7:15-ish. Thats pretty bad when my bus gets to the stop at 6:50. I'm just not lucky lately. I would've gotten a ride from my sister, but she was busy with the baby, so I had to wait for Phil, side-note Phil works nights at a paper-mill 12 hours straight. Lets just say he wasn't too happy that I was the first person he saw when he got home. A silent car later I show up at school right before second hour, which is kinda funny because the lady at the attendance window didn't feel like writing me a pass, so she told me to "walk slowly". As I walked to my second hour I started to think of how much of a burden I actually am. When you think about it we teenagers are just sacks of disrespect and sarcasm. I don't like to be such a burden, but i can't help it when the only thing that will do is perfection, or as close as any of us can get. The high standards are getting to me. I know i need A's, yet I don't try any harder to receive them. Why? Is it just my way of giving up? No. I know that these are important years and if I don't try harder on my academics then life isn't going to be easier. Sometimes this trend of carelessness scares me. I kind of wonder if there is anything that will make me want again. Its like Rocky II except I'm not a boxer and I'm not the best at what I do; I just lost the "Eye of the Tiger" and I need an Apollo. Any applications?
The Velvety Monkey
Why Batman is better than Superman

Today started off really bad. Well I should probably give a little back story. My Japanese teacher doesn't get along with me, as well as a few others, but I am used to rubbing some people the wrong way. Anyway he froze my grades for writing "WTF?!" on one of our assignments. The only reason I wrote this was because of the small children praying under pictures of kids playing and cars. This was supposed to be a joke; he apparently took it the wrong way. Back to today. I wake up late, 7:15-ish. Thats pretty bad when my bus gets to the stop at 6:50. I'm just not lucky lately. I would've gotten a ride from my sister, but she was busy with the baby, so I had to wait for Phil, side-note Phil works nights at a paper-mill 12 hours straight. Lets just say he wasn't too happy that I was the first person he saw when he got home. A silent car later I show up at school right before second hour, which is kinda funny because the lady at the attendance window didn't feel like writing me a pass, so she told me to "walk slowly". As I walked to my second hour I started to think of how much of a burden I actually am. When you think about it we teenagers are just sacks of disrespect and sarcasm. I don't like to be such a burden, but i can't help it when the only thing that will do is perfection, or as close as any of us can get. The high standards are getting to me. I know i need A's, yet I don't try any harder to receive them. Why? Is it just my way of giving up? No. I know that these are important years and if I don't try harder on my academics then life isn't going to be easier. Sometimes this trend of carelessness scares me. I kind of wonder if there is anything that will make me want again. Its like Rocky II except I'm not a boxer and I'm not the best at what I do; I just lost the "Eye of the Tiger" and I need an Apollo. Any applications?
The Velvety Monkey
Why Batman is better than Superman
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