Sunday, February 11, 2007


A weekend of missed opportunities for me. First, I get no Chuck E. Cheezzzzuh, its probably better that I didn't go. If I did it just would have been a few hours chuckles, nothing much. Not going is where its at because then Sam has more fun all night instead of me...I'm lame like that.

I missed getting my ipod back. I missed Chuck E. Cheese and I missed sledding. Sledding isn't my fault if anything I blame it on the environment in Tyler's car(loud-ass people), but Jordan is usually good at hearing stuff. Even if she heard that we were at Weston's would we have gone? I doubt it. The light was fading and they want the icy wind in their faces and the snow in their pants. All I wanted was to be with problem, I guess, since Tuesday is going to be snow filled.

The Velvety Monkey

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Friday, February 2, 2007

Where the Heart Lies

Lately I have been in a very go-with-the-flow mood. I don't know why; maybe I am just switching off for awhile. Its been nice...not worrying, but now I find smaller things beginning to crop up and implanting there hooks of dread into my consciousness. They might just be getting to because I am unburdened with school, yet I still don't like worrying about these things either. They just eat at me until they become a problem: I don't want problems. I want fun. Is that too much too ask?

On a lighter note, Jordan twas stripped to her panties tonite...Wondering if we should have stripped Sam instead, but would it have been as funny? Tyler was right there, but I'm not sure he really cared.shrug. Ugh I just remembered Jordan hasn't shaved in awhile, so might have been a better choice to go with Sam. Hmm any thoughts?

My ipod will be getting fixed soon. YAY! Like any of you care, but I do this week has blown without music in my head. Plans tomorrow=Something what they are have yet to be decided.

The Velvety Monkey

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Where the Heart Lies

Lately I have been in a very go-with-the-flow mood. I don't know why; maybe I am just switching off for awhile. Its been nice...not worrying, but now I find smaller things beginning to crop up and implanting there hooks of dread into my consciousness. They might just be getting to because I am unburdened with school, yet I still don't like worrying about these things either. They just eat at me until they become a problem: I don't want problems. I want fun. Is that too much too ask?

On a lighter note, Jordan twas stripped to her panties tonite...Wondering if we should have stripped Sam instead, but would it have been as funny? Tyler was right there, but I'm not sure he really cared.shrug. Ugh I just remembered Jordan hasn't shaved in awhile, so might have been a better choice to go with Sam. Hmm any thoughts?

My ipod will be getting fixed soon. YAY! Like any of you care, but I do this week has blown without music in my head. Plans tomorrow=Something what they are have yet to be decided.

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